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Translation German <> English
Our Experience & Knowledge
Since our founding in 1996, we have translated:
more than 7,000 operating and assembly manuals,
more than 10,000 pages of medical documents,
more than 10,000 pages of court files, official correspondence, and administrative documents,
more than 15,000 pages of press releases.
AI is a wonderful thing and it is good to use it.
However, machine translation still requires checking and editing.
Human translation often takes less time than checking and post-editing of machine-translated texts (MTPE).

Our Services
All prices are quoted per unit (word or video/audio minute), VAT excluded.
For special binding offers, please use our contact form.
Contact us!
Pirckheimerstr. 90408 Nürnberg
+49 176 967 56 632

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